
Archive for May, 2017

Evernote PHP-SDK oauth_token missing

May 18th, 2017 No comments

Many people have problem with this when they want to use the official Evernote php-sdk. The example generates this error on many systems.

Missing required oauth parameter "oauth_token"

The issue happens in OauthHandler.php in function getTemporaryCredentials. There you will find a curl request and if you debug it you will see that it returns an empty result.

$info = curl_getinfo($handle);
print_r("raw: ".$raw);

Add this parameter to the request and it will work


This basically tells you that your PHP installation is missing the required cacert.pem file. So open your php.ini file and find this parameter

curl.cainfo = ""

Download the latest cacert.pem file from Copy it to a local folder, I use “C:\Program Files\PHP\extras\ssl” and update the parameter in your php.ini

curl.cainfo = "C:\Program Files\PHP\extras\ssl\cacert.pem"

Restart IIS and it will work. Don’t forget to remove the CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER value from your curl request.

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