Bug #600119: confirmed as bug (create user with random password)
Recently I reported a bug (see here) via Microsoft because I couldn’t create a new user with a password that was generated by a random string object. Well it is confirmed to be a bug in Integration Pack for Active Directory 2; it will be fixed in the next release.
Full info can be found on the Microsoft Connect site under bug 600119
Hey if your interested I have created a OIP for AD that *should* allow you to create / delete users correctly. It is implemented using c# and the directoryservices class. I havn’t whipped up any documentation for it yet but feel free to look at the source code. I will eventually publish some documentation for it.
Well I will have a look at it 🙂
The problem is not creating the user, there is a bug in the way they encrypt a string for the password (via the published stream) and therefor you can’t reset a users’s password from a generate random string object (or any other variable).