Home > Issues > *Opalis Issue* Create AD user with random password fails

*Opalis Issue* Create AD user with random password fails

I have already submitted this to CONNECT but I’m posting it anyway in case more people have the same issue and looking for answers. (Bug ID 600119)

Cannot set “UserPassword” value from a random generated string object. Hard coding a password works, tried all combinations and even up to 20 characters

Error message
– The server is unwilling to process the request. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072035) Command Executed [$pwd=ConvertTo-SecureString -string “*******” -asPlainText -force
– $connection=Connect-QADService -Service “POC-dc1” -ConnectionAccount “xxdomainxxAdmin” -ConnectionPassword $pwd
– Set-QADUser -Identity “CN=J324387,CN=Users,DC=DOMAIN1,DC=net” -UserPassword “*****” -Connection $connection] Command Executed [$pwd=ConvertTo-SecureString -string “*******” -asPlainText -force
– $connection=Connect-QADService -Service “POC-dc1” -ConnectionAccount “xxdomainxxAdmin” -ConnectionPassword $pwd
– Set-QADUser -Identity “CN=J324387,CN=Users,DC=nextclient,DC=net” -UserPassword “*****” -Connection $connection] Please make sure you have Powershell and Quest Active Directory command installed on the Opalis Action Server

What feature is this bug related to? Integration Pack

How often does this happen? Always Happens (consistent)

Have you seen this before in the product? I don’t know if this issue existed previously

Reproduction Steps – please list in detail the steps required to reproduce this issue.

Create new policy –> add create user object –> add create random string object -> specify 10 characters (capital, small, numbers, …) -> add reset user password and select password from the random generated string object

Opalis Integration Pack for Microsoft Active Directory v6.1

Categories: Issues Tags: , , ,
  1. Anonymous
    October 21st, 2010 at 10:09 | #1

    Whom can I ask?

  2. Arthur K.
    October 22nd, 2010 at 05:56 | #2

    Sweet site! Continue the good posts.

  1. November 17th, 2010 at 16:05 | #1